LGBMS (Local Government Budget Management System)

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  4. LGBMS (Local Government Budget Management System)

The Local Government Division, Budget & Finance Bureau (BFB) is excited to announce that the Local Government Budget Management System (LGBMS), is HERE!!!

Please see the attached flyer below for details.


The cross-walking process is the first and most important step in preparing for LGBMS. Cross-walking local governments’ internal chart of accounts to the new standard chart of accounts is key! Local entities should start their COA cross-walking process early & prior to LGBMS required interim budget submission due dates.

Please fill out the following LGBMS Security Access Form (SAF) to have an account created:

FY2021-2022 SAF

FY2020-2021 SAF

Please fill out the following LGBMS Disable Security Access Form (Disable SAF) to have a user account disabled:

Disable SAF

Please email the completed/signed form to LGD.LGBMS@state.nm.us and cc your assigned LGD Budget Analyst.


LGBMS Templates: Please download the LGBMS template directly from LGBMS.

Chart of Accounts Structure (Read Me First)

Chart of Accounts

COA Crosswalk Tips

COA Crosswalk Example for Small Local Government

COA Crosswalk Example for Medium Local Government