Budget Formulation and Management (BFM) System

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  3. Budget Formulation and Management (BFM) System

The Budget Formulation and Management (BFM) System will be available for the FY2023 budget request cycle in July 2021 and the Accountability in Governance (AGA) Act cycle in July 2021. To ensure a seamless transition this webpage was set up to assist end-users with tutorials on how to use the new system.

Upon completion of the training, certification is a requirement for all users who are level 1 and/or level 2 users within BFM. Certification will need to be completed by close of business on July 13, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact your budget analyst.

Training Materials File Type
NM End User Training Guide DOCX
Security Access Form – BFM PDF
 Core 1 Slides PPTX
 Core 2 Slides PPTX
 Core 3 Slides PPTX
 Core 4 Slides PPTX
BFM Expansion Request Guide DOCX
BFM Help Request Form PDF


Training Videos File Type
Core 1 – Intro/Overview VIDEO
Core 1 – Level 3 Review Coming Soon
Core 2 – Forms VIDEO
Core 3 – Forms/Reports VIDEO
Core 4 – Performance Measures VIDEO
Higher Education Performance Measures Training VIDEO