Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)

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  3. Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)

A local infrastructure capital improvement plan (ICIP) is a plan that establishes planning priorities for anticipated capital projects.  The state-coordinated ICIP process encourages entities to plan for the development of capital improvements so that they do not find themselves in emergency situations, but can plan for, fund, and develop infrastructure at a pace that sustains their activities.

If you have any questions about the Local Government ICIP process, contact:

Annette Apodaca, ICIP Program Manager, Community Development Bureau

(505) 396-0341;

Click on link for direct access to ICIP Database –

PLEASE NOTE: ICIP is no longer supported by Internet Explorer.  Please use Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

If you have any questions about the State Entity ICIP process contact:

Tonantzin Lucero-Roybal

(505) 827-4209;


FY 2023-2027 ICIP Publication

On behalf of the Department of Finance and Administration/Local Government Division, we would like to thank all Counties, Municipalities, Tribal Government Entities, Special Districts, and Senior Citizen Facilities for participating in the FY 2023-2027 Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP).

The ICIP provides information from local government entities on priority infrastructure projects for their communities, including project detail of each specific infrastructure capital improvement project, funding time frames, and estimated costs over the FY 2023-2027 period.

The FY 2023-2027 ICIP publication consists of three reports: 1. Entity information that includes Project Priority Process, Capital Improvements Goals, and Factors/Trends Considered; 2. Project Summary of all projects submitted by each entity; and 3. the Project Detail Reports of each entity’s top five FY 2023 projects.



Tribal Government Entities

Special Districts

Senior Citizen Facilites – Coming Soon!

2021 ICIP Virtual Training